Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My daughter just turned 16 last month and is looking for a job for only about 6 weeks.?

She has committed to a job which starts in July but needs something until then. How does she go about finding someone who would hire her for that short amount of time?
My daughter just turned 16 last month and is looking for a job for only about 6 weeks.?
go through a Temp agency.

you can google one in you area

they give you jobs and either you can keep it or leave it.

some places might even be hiring for a short time. a temp agency will help you find out who is hiring and who is not and what job would suit you daughter.

good luck to you and her :D
Reply:She can work at Mc Donalds
Reply:maybe have her work for a short period of time with a family relative, to get her settled in
Reply:If you're in the US try the unemployment office. Sometimes job services can help place ya if you're willing to work parttime. Like McDonalds or Dairy Queen etc

Good luck
Reply:fast food place maybe as they tend to have alot of turn over other than that Im not sure that many places would hire her especially if they know that
Reply:She could just go down to the local McDonalds or Taco Bell, places like those are really easy to get a job in. I think the only requirement is a pulse.

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