Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Unemployed, and looking for the right job. Can you help?

I was an Operations Manager with a Mortgage Banker. I was in charge of hiring,firing,training and monitoring all Telemarketers, Loan Officers and Management. I was enroute to make 150k this year with a Base pay of 43k. I have been in the Mortgage Lending business in some way shape or form the past 5yrs. With a stint in Radio Sales and Accounts Recovery. I am great at sales and marketing and would be looking to stay in that field. I have a 4yr degree and I am looking to be engaged soon but want to find the right path and career that I can rely on and make good money. I am looking fot 56k+ to start and commission if possible. Can someone please help me with ideas? Or if someone is hiring? I am willing to relocate. I am in NJ. Thanks!!! Help!!!
Unemployed, and looking for the right job. Can you help?
Might want to move to the Midwest. Smaller markets and lower cost of living. Various mortgage companies looking for help, and there IS the fallback on radio and TV sales jobs. I would get ahold of Zig Ziglar's "See You At The Top" and start MAILING resumes (that's right...snail mail) to some potential companies. Go to the library and pick a state, then check their newspapers on line to see where you should move and snail mail the resumes. Email is OK...but if you are talking about attracting the kind of bread you want; snail mail is best.
Reply:Hi there. There are many internet telemarkers available maybe you should get in contact with a few of them to ask if they have any higher positions and state your qulaifications.

There is also a site i have just joined with heaps of jobs it's
Reply:With your education and experience - and if your fiance is willing - you should get the hell out of the a smaller market, you'd be a choice applicant at any lending institution that offers mortgaging services - a big fish in a small pond, so to speak.

Good Luck!
name spelling

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