Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am a teacher and am looking for a teaching job closer to my family.?

How late in the year is too late to tell my current school that I am not coming back next year?
I am a teacher and am looking for a teaching job closer to my family.?
If you let them know during the summer, you can letthem know up until a few weeks before school starts. If possible, though, you'll want to let them know as soon as you can.

Once the school year has started, you'll have a much tougher time getting out of a contract... and a much more challenging transition into and out of schools.

If you do leave your current school, offer to help with any necessary transition. Be sure to let your coworkers and principal know how appreciative you were for their support. You know how the saying goes-- be nice to everyone on theway up because you might see them again on the way down.

A few years back I switched school districts. It's tricky-- you want to secure a good job before you let them know you're leaving. Yet, at the same time, you want to use the people as references.

When you interview, any time they ask you how you WOULD do something, show them evidence that you have ALREADY DONE it. In other words, emphasize your experience. You'll have an edge above the other candidates if you show them how successful you are at your current school.

Here's a good eBook about getting teaching jobs that may be able to help you. It has resume and cover letter information, interview tips, 50 common teacher interview questions and answers, etc. It's "Guide to Getting a Teaching Job"

Best of luck in your decisions to move, your job search, and your new home.
Reply:i beleive it would be too late since you probably signed a teaching should have done it at semester
Reply:You might consider just putting in for a leave of absence with your district.
Reply:If you have a job lined up, it would be nice to tell them now.
Reply:Check your contract. You usually have to give 60 or 90 days notice.
Reply:As long as you don't sign a contract you can wait until a couple of weeks before school starts. If you have signed a contract you are probably already committed.
children names

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