Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Im Looking for a job for a teenager (17)?

i cant find any jobs hiring teens, in bountiful utah, are there any websites specifically for teenagers to find jobs?
Im Looking for a job for a teenager (17)?
when i was your age i liked bartering with the indians, the ones on the reservations (native americans) not the people from the subcontinent of asia indians. We would drive onto their land and they had a whole bunch of booths set up and you could trade anything to them for fireworks and alcohol. Then you could bring that off of the reservation and sell it to other kids.
Reply:There 17 they should be looking for College soon, look into the university there are into, get the foot in the door already, or have them go through the paper, internet isnt always the best source.
Reply:If you haven't found anything by summer I would look into Lagoon. It can be a fun job, and you can work a ton of hours.
greek name

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