Thursday, July 16, 2009

How do i gain convidence in looking for a job?

You have to be confidant in yourself.

Find out what are you good at and focus on those points during you interviews.

eg. I am good at speaking and am able to do presentations in a way that people understand. I let them know that.

As for points that need to be worked on, do just that. However, many make the mistake on focusing on only their bad points and lose confidence as a result.

An employer wouldn't mind if you are not good at something as long as you are willing to learn.

Also, please...when you bring across the fact that you are willing to learn, make sure you really are willing to learn.

eg. I'm not really good at doing financial paperwork. As a result, I might need someone to supervise me at the beginning.

Put yourself in your employers' shoes. If you are hiring, what will you be looking for?

btw, you'd be surprised by how charitable some employers are. Most important is not someone who is very good. but someone who is humble and willing to learn from their mistakes.

Reading some motivational books will help as well. Don't care about what the cynics say...focus on what those who became successful say....why listen to the cynics when all they have to show are their failures as well?

Conclusion: You must know what you are good at. and be willing to accept your flaws as a reason for learning something new.

Hope I helped.
welsh name

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