Thursday, July 16, 2009

My son is looking for a job as an animator in the computer industry as a concept artist?

he has a degree in computer animation and would like work in teh covenrty or warwickshire area
My son is looking for a job as an animator in the computer industry as a concept artist?
This website has job posting for concept artwork for video games:

Also, visiting nearly any game developer's website can yield these types of jobs. Often these positions are needed, and not advertised. He may want to consider cold-contacting them or sending them a portfolio telling them he's interested in work. Good luck!
Reply:Good for him. I hope he gets one.
Reply:Erm, this is'nt a recruitment site...

(However maybe he could start by getting a CV together and then maybe posting if off to some of the companies that he should have hopefully researched.)

And he should be prepared to move as I doubt that these jobs are 10 in penny in any places but the big cities

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