Thursday, July 16, 2009

Looking for 2nd job, nothing degrading, and won't interfear with current job..any suggestions?

My husband and I are in a financial crunch, and I'm looking for something extra to bring in a little money. Any ideas of easy jobs, that won't affect my current 8:30-5:30 job. Nothing trashy.

Looking for 2nd job, nothing degrading, and won't interfear with current job..any suggestions?
I've done both waitressing and retail as second jobs.

Waitressing pays a very low hourly wage weekly paycheck, but you walk out after each shift with cash in your hands. However, it's never the same amount. Some days I'd walk out with over a $100 after 4 hours and other times I'd work 8 hours and barely have $50. It's hard work and not everyone is pleasant. Some customers are downright rude.

For the most part, retail doesn't pay very well, but you have the luxury of a set schedule which allows you to ballpark how much you'll make every week. Some places even pay you time-and-a-half or double-time for working on Sundays or holidays. You may still encounter the rude customer, but you won't go home smelling like fries with tomato sauce on your shoes!

I'm wary of the online jobs, but only because I've never personally tried them. Best of luck to you!!
Reply:Hmmm, that's a hard one there. Try part time at Walgreens. I wouldn't put to much money that it will be the best time of your life.
Reply:Good Luck. My advice is just don't take a paper route.....the work is easy but the hours are crazy, and the pay sucks. You will lose alot of sleep. If you figure out a good alternative please let me know. I'm looking for a second job myself.
Reply:Have you considered becoming a Mary Kay independent beauty consultant? You have my permission to contact me if you want more information.
Reply:Seasonal sales at an upscale department store.
Reply:Go To register yourself..They have home based jobs..Somejobs u can do while you working also..Give me your details ti i can update you regularly if you dont mind
Reply:I know someone who delivered papers. It required getting up really early but it didn't interfere with their day job.

UPS also hires up around the holidays. They offer a lot of different shifts. I know someone who works there right now. It is not easy work (lots of lifting) but the hours are convenient for her and the pay isn't bad for a part-time job.

You might also check with some of your local caterers. They are pretty busy around the holidays. They usually need people nights and weekends and the work is pretty fun sometimes. My brother-in-law is a caterer and I've worked for him many times. For some of the holiday parties you just have to stand at a table and pour wine all night or walk around with appetizer trays.
Reply:Being a Server at Denny's, Sizzler, Carrows

With tips and everything you end up getting paid about

$10-20 bucks an hour. Often times more than a 9-5 job

Of course theres not really any moving up in the long run, but for a temp. job i'm sure it'll do.

You of course have to not care to smile all day long.

good luck.
Reply:Go for what teenagers go for. Those are the jobs that are only 3-4 hours at a time and after schoolish.

Waitress always seems to be a number one answer, but I think you could do better. Perhaps selling tickets at some concert place? Because it's an every once in a while job (Depending on where you work). Or a cashier at your local grocery store.

Just look at places that you frequent, ask what the job situation is, because if you CAN get a job there, then most of the time you also get a discount, which will help you even more with the situation.

Good luck!
Reply:Retail will get you home at an early hour but doesnt pay very well. I would suggest waitress at an upscale restaurant. The tips are good and the clients are not trashy. You could also be one of those people who give out samples at the groceries and club stores on weekends.
Reply:I would go to a tanning salon. They dont do much and they are usually open late.
gothic names

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