Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nowadays Bush is looking for a job , what would you suggest at him?

Hmmmmm...let me see...

Grocery-store sacker?

But, then again, I really don't know.

Sacking groceries requires some IQ and he doesn't have any.


That's a good question.

Maybe he can go to work in a casket-manufacturing sew the lining in coffins.

Well...maybe not....'cause that would require a level of concentration that he doesn't keep from shooting himself with the nail-gun machine.


You've stumped me with this one.

I'll think about it and get back with you.
Nowadays Bush is looking for a job , what would you suggest at him?
Well #1 he isn't looking for a job he had one and in my opinion did a good job as anyone else has ever done with a lot more on his plate to have to deal with.No leave the poor man alone and let him retire just like you and I hope to someday do.......
Reply:My first suggestion is that you learn that you do not "suggest at" people. Second, Bush does not need a job. He has a lifetime pension and makes a lot from speaking.
Reply:He can have one of the 3+ million jobs Obama promised. Where are those anyway? He's got time to be on late night TV and show up on ESPN doing a B'ball bracket. How about he jumps on that campaign promise pronto.
Reply:Enlist in the military.

So he can lead by example for the causes he believes in so much.
Reply:something fitting of his qualities. I would suggest greeter at WalMart.
Reply:Why you gonna offer him one. Right now he is writing a book,and working on his Library.
Reply:Make lots of speeches for mega bucks and write books.

He's earned his retirement.
Reply:So are many in his administration. But I wouldn't hire him to walk my dog.
Reply:He's pretty good at clearing brush. It's hard, hard work.
Reply:He should go back to school.
Reply:he doesn't have to work.

lifetime compensation of over $200000, I think?
Reply:Run for a 3rd term and get the Dow back to 14,000 for starters.
Reply:A Statue. We can be a pigeons.

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