Thursday, July 16, 2009

Im looking for a job please help?

I'm fifteen and a half years old and I'm intrested in getting a job, i don't want no lawn mowing and or babysitter stuff i want a real job, that involves a real company something like target, and if you know i can get a job please specify what i can do for the company, like for example you have to be at least 16 years old to work with sharp utensils the same goes with machinery
Im looking for a job please help?

This is my side job and you could use it if you need.

This is for someone who uses internet often.

If you use this frequently, you could earn money easily.

The way that I can earn $2,000 for each month

Every hour, you can get 1dollor. If you want to earn more, you need to introduce this way to your friends or others as I am doing now.

You don鈥檛 need to put any your private information such as Social Security Number or Telephone numbers but address for getting checks.

By doing this, I realized that earning money is kind of easy even though it looks freak haha (I am just kidding)

I earn a lot and to earn more, I am writing this in English. (I am Korean though)

Recently, there are not many people who are joining this site.(So you need to do this quickly before many people know this. You will know the reason why you should join this club before others do)

There are some people who are earning $33,000 for every month from Cashsurfer-Company.

There is a view bar which is small bar and as long as you operate this view-bar, you earn money.

If you don鈥檛 believe, you may go now. I seriously don鈥檛 care. But, I am giving you a information for earning money.

After operating this view-bar, and informing this site for a month, I earned 1,263 dollars after tax. The next month, I earned 1,787dollars.


In the view-bar of the left side, a man is walking, and the other side, there are advertisements. You don鈥檛 need to click advertisements but sometimes you need to click a man when he takes a rest. ( you should make him run~!)

How to join?

If you join the above address you will be one of my referrals. You can just go to without being my referrals. However, since I am gold member of this site, if you become one of my referrals, you can have benefits as I have. So it is up to you. The benefit: For gold members, they can earn $1.666 per 1,000point. If you are just normal member, you earn $0.010 per 1000 point. Being gold member is kind of hard so it would be good idea to be my referrals so that you can have same benefits.

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