Thursday, July 16, 2009

What kind of answers are they really looking for on a personality test at a job screening? does no justice to a candidate to be personality screened and denied even a shot at an interview...I know i'm a nice and trustworthy enough guy, but how to prove that to a computer?
What kind of answers are they really looking for on a personality test at a job screening?
Piano Dude,

You are completely right that these personality tests for jobs are bogus! I actually wrote a paper on this topic for an industrial psyc class and most psychologists are totally against the practice.

First of all, personality tests are based on the assumption that every personality can be boiled down to a set of types or traits, however there is no real proof for this theory. Second of all, even if a personality test is a valid measure of a person, there is no real way to figure out which types are best for which jobs. For instance, the Myers-Briggs test says that I'm a very strong introvert, which I agree with. I need plenty of time to myself and enjoy solitary activities like reading and hiking. However, when necessary I can act like an extravert. As a matter of fact, my job is selling Pampered Chef products, so I go to parties for a living. The point is, just because the test classifies you as one type doesn't mean that you can't function well in many different types of situations.

Most of the time, the reason businesses are using personality tests for hiring purposes is because the execs making the decisions are looking for quick and easy answers. Therefore, they are easily swayed by pop-psychologists who base their work on little or no research. I've met so many of these managers in the work force! Anyway, it's not beneficial to you to take the test, and many applicants leave the test feeling hurt and disrespected. The hiring managers aren't doing themselves any favors either, because the tests cost a great deal of money and give very little in the way of useful information.

That being said, there are a few times when tests are legitimate for hiring purposes. This is when the test is used to prevent applicants with serious mental disorders such as skitzophrenia from being put into positions where they can pose a threat to others. The military and police screen with a test to help keep us safe. Sorry about going on and on, but I really do get peeved when personality tests are inapropriately used.

My advise would be to answer the questions honestly and consistantly. Most tests ask the same or similiar questions over and over to make sure you're being consistant. Many tests are also designed to "test" honesty and loyalty so don't admit it if you think that it's ok to lie to your boss or steal from the office. If you're applying for a job that requires an unusual personality trait (such as a telemarketer) you should think about what they're looking for and skew your answers accordingly. (I failed a personality test for a telemarketing job once but got the job anyway when I argued with the manager for 15 minutes about why the test was wrong!)

Hope this helps, and good luck with your job search!

Reply:Just respond truthfully and in earnest -- often there is an "algorithm" used to interpret your responses. Trying to outwit the computer may work against your employability quotient.
Reply:A personality test let's them know what kind of person you are so they can place you in a job you would be best it.
Reply:want to know if you do drugs if you do you sure won't get the job
Reply:Always answer the one you think they want you to answer (i.e. the one that seems right.) Don't get fancy and think they're looking for total honesty. If you arn't insane (i.e. you know which answer is the one they want to hear) they will not deny your interview.
Reply:I personally think they are BS but that's because I know how to BS...not everyone does...

They are usually looking to ensure you are reliable, handle difficult situations well, work well in a group, HONEST, not a cheat or a thief.

Think of yourself as the person reading the answers...without knowing the person (you)who gave the answers what conclusion about that person would you come to??? Answer the questions the way you think they want them answered. Think of what to type BEFORE you type it. What position are you applying for???are they looking for a leader, a trainer, someone to fill a desk, someone to deal with customers all day??? Having that mindset prior to taking your test should help.

Good Luck!

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