Thursday, July 16, 2009

What do you do when you've been looking for a job and have education but it seems like no one will hire you?

keep applying, practice interviewing, get more training, apply in other cities..........
What do you do when you've been looking for a job and have education but it seems like no one will hire you?
Try this website:

I'm going through the same thing.
Reply:Keep on looking! You'll find the right job, it just hasn't come along yet. Think positive, you will land a great job before you know it if your attitude is up beat. Good luck.
Reply:persist and you will find your way... just don't take it so hard and be graceful about your exit whether they like you or not, and lastly, if you really like the potential job, send a thank you note for the interview and let them know that even though they may have hired someone else for the position, that you be more than happy to hear from them if another or similar position would open...

keep looking, but get some outside help to see if there are things you could be doing better

give up

start applying for a different type of job

move to an area with more jobs that suit your education

take a job "beneath" your education level and work your way up

create your own business + job
Reply:temp. i was in your boat last january. finally in march i went to a temp agency and got a job. its entry level but you gotta start somewhere and get experience... and the pay is decent
Reply:Practice your interviewing skills and if possible ask for advice for improving your resume. Make sure when you interview you "dress for the job you want." You can kill a chance at a potential job by not looking professional enough. You didn't mention having experience so maybe that is what is holding you back. You may have to try for jobs a little beneath your skill level that have the potential for promotion to get your foot in the door. Keep trying!
Reply:question the american workforce. perhaps take your education to another country where it'll be appreciated more. but honestly, i wouldn't lose hope. just keep looking and make sure your resume is really strong. constantly contact people in the line of work that you're pursuing.
Reply:Start your own business, especially one where you are taught everything you need to know by experts but where you can also earn while you learn. The biggest problem with a job is you exchange time for money, need more money work longer hours. Having you own business means you earn a small amount from the efforts of a large number of people.

No I am not suggesting you go out and employ others, better to find something where you can build teams of people who like you will work for themselves but not by themselves.

This is what I do and if you would like I will give you my web address where you can get an overview of my business, which can produce a substantial income for people.

I can be contacted by email by clicking on my avatar.
Reply:Go to temporary employment agencies. They get you a job and you start building experience. Many places hire through temp agencies - they get a temp %26amp; see how she or he does, then maybe offer them a job.
Reply:All good answers. Just remember that you are not alone out there and there are many many others searching for a job. I was in your boat before and it took me a year to finally land the job I wanted. You have to be patient and keep on applying and bettering yourself. Also, leave yourself open to relocating.

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