Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am a 16 year old looking for a job can anybody give me any tips on the best ways to find one that will hire?

Network, ask friends, family, and if a church goer members of the church if they know of anyone that is hiring someone of your age.

If at all possible when filling out an application, ask if you can talk to the manager a few minutes. Place on the application prior work that you may not been paid for (mowed yards, clean-up church, planted trees, sold items for school fund raisers and etc.)

Show a strong interest in the job.

Willing to learn new task.

State you are young and full of energy, will be a hard worker.

Employers are sometimes are reluctant to hire the youth because they are often not reliable. They take off to go to movies, on dates, and etc.

Assure the employer you will be reliable and work on flexible assignments.

Remember you are hired to

1. Solve more problems than you create or

2. Make the company money or

3. 1 and 2.

If you fill out an application and can not talk to the manager at that time. Call back the next day or two. Ask to talk to the manager, ask when she/he will be able to let you know if you are hired. Tell them you are best person for the job.
I am a 16 year old looking for a job can anybody give me any tips on the best ways to find one that will hire?
maybe look for some adds looking for babbysiters well if you good with children or if not try a local mcdonalds or a local burger king i heard you get employee discounts on the foods!!!!! yum!!!!!
Reply:try this

and make your own desicion
Reply:Learn How To Earn Money From Internet Without Spending A Single Cent From Your

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Reply:Fast food restaurants usually give job opportunities to young people. it would be easy and fast. The only thing is that you have to ask permission to your school because they don't want that you fail your classes or grades. Of course ask permission to your parents too. Mac Donald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, KFC, are some restaurants that would hire you.
Reply:You can check in your neighborhood and see if you can wash cars, cut the yard, also try the newspaper to deliver during weekends and now during the summer.

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