Thursday, July 16, 2009

13 year old girl looking for a job! In New York City?

Anyone know where there's people hiring 13 year olds? Also it has to be in New York City. Please, anybody hiring?
13 year old girl looking for a job! In New York City?
sad to say no there is hardly any jobs out there for 13 year old but you try really really hard you might be able to do it because we are in a recession and we are here for a long time so you will need a work permit just to work but if you start here with this free site you will be able to save money for a car. by the time you become 16 you will be about to afford on with this site but it will take some time. its free safe and easy to do hope i helped
Reply:your out of luck you have to be at least 14 years old with a work permit..
flower name

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