Friday, August 7, 2009

If i sign on the dole,they will not want me to claim for two years,without looking for a job surely?

this is true, however you do not have to accept any job that does not pay enough to cover your monthly bills (mortgage etc), or if you do get a job that pays less, you can 'income based jsa to cover the difference.
If i sign on the dole,they will not want me to claim for two years,without looking for a job surely?
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Reply:Well if you want to claim job seekers allowance, like the title Say's you should be seeking a job to claim this benefit !!
Reply:when you claim job seekers you are told that u should provide proof that you have done everything you can to find a job, such as internet searches, papers etc you will also be encouraged to join agencies and attend training courses to improve any skills you may have and to increase your chances of finding a job.

should you go to interviews and fail to get a job they will be informed of the reasons as to why you werent offered the job, so if you deliberalty mess them up the job centre will be told and they may ask you to attend an interview training course.

job seekers is just that a benefit for those genuinel seeking work!

Although this is all explained to you when you first start claiming not all officers are that thourough however im sure after 6 months questions will be asked as to why you have failed to find a job and your job finding techniques and excuses will be looked into and your benefits may stop.
Reply:When you start claiming, they will offer you interviews ,miles away from your home and if you refuse to go for interview, you lose your benefit . If you have no transport ,you have to catch a bus and when you get there either the job is gone or he wants to pay you the minimum wage and work unsocial hours.
Reply:dont be a sponger!!
Reply:No, you need to be looking for a full time job, not a part time job, nor not bothering to look for a job.

In other words in the doles words.....

"You have to be actively seeking a full time job"

Good luck to you signing on.....I didn't get paid jobseekers because I hadn't earnt enough NI stamps when I was made redundant earlier this year. I just had my NI stamp paid each time I signed on, yet I still had to actively prove I was looking for a full time job!!
Reply:dont think you can sign on and sit on ur backside for 2 years. after 4 months of signing on if u dont found a job yet you have to attend courses which is like 5 days a week which give u job seeking help its called 'New Deal' and if u dont attend u lose ur claim. U dnt get paid any extra for going either so ur basically may as well be spending that time earning proper wage.

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